Friday, 4 March 2011

The OMG blog

Hello world!

WELLLLL as you can see this is the first (or second if you count my last) blog in the blog a day campaign.

So, today as part of my new healthy eating regime, I swapped my UNHEALTHY BUT OH SO NICE crunchy nut cornflakes for SHREDDED WHEAT  which might I add was extremely yummy. However I let myself down by having my ususal all butter waffle with maple syrup (BUT SOME FAT IS GOOD RIGHT?). Now, for break I normally consume my usual four bar kitkat, but today... was different story. A GEOBAR?! IS THIS A PRACTICAL JOKE? No, apparently, it's healthy. Now on my returning home, I was so hungry I ate a kitkat, 3 biscuits, 3 pieces of garlic bread AND drank a bottle of orange lucozade. Oh dear.

Hoping to repent for my gorging I was aiming to have an hour at the gym with the lovely Miss Sophie... Unfortunately she decided to pass... Because she doesn't like being seen with this nerd....
I keeeed, she actually had a perfectly valid reason and will be abandoning me for the next 2 weeks! Thanking you muchly dear <3

Now, coming off the absolutely FASCINATING topic of health and fitness I shall give you fact of the day: I play bass guitar. Although it may seem like I'm randomly throwing that out there I do have reasoning!
A few hours ago I was minding my own buisness bassing away and I had no idea my dad's friends had arrived and were listening to me. I WAS SINGING ASWELL! Oh the shame! Moving swiftly on, as it happens one of them knows the son of Robert Plant (lead singer of Led Zepelin) and can HOPEFULLY give me a few lessons! (That's if I can stop being lazy and pick up the phone) So as you can imagine I'm excited about that! :D

So er, that's about it for today!


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